Tree Pruning | Tree Removals | Hedge Maintenance | Emergency Storm Cleanup | Stump Grinding | Arborist Reports
Trusted. Professional. Friendly.
We're a local family-run tree service with over ten years experience,
proud to serve the Cowichan Valley.
Tree Pruning
Tree Removal
Hedge Maintenance
Limb Reduction
Crown Cleaning
Wind Firming
View Pruning
Fruit Tree Pruning
Storm Cleanup
Tree Clearing
Removal of Debris
Stump Grinding
Arborist Reports
Stump Removal
Reclamation of Space
Tree Assessments
Dangerous Trees
ISA Certified
Hazard Tree Removal
Lot Clearing
Crane Work
Tree Falling
Standard Trimming
Structural Pruning

We're Replanting Trees!
We've partnered with AtmosTree, a global tree-planting alliance. Although we avoid unnecessary tree removals, they are a part of our job. Thankfully, with the help of a small eco-donation, for every tree we remove, two trees will be planted in its place! Trees are planted globally and in Canada.

Our Mission:
To deliver professional, personable and reliable tree services while fostering long-lasting relationships with all of our clients.
Our Core Values:
Trusted: We build trust through our commitment to following through and being integral with our words and actions.
Professional: We hold high standards for the quality of our work and how we interact.
Friendly: We aim to create connections with our clients and a positive work atmosphere for all.

Over 10 Years Professional Experience in Tree Work
"I feel blessed every-day to be able to work in some of the world's biggest trees while taking in the amazing scenery of Canada's West Coast.
My favorite aspects of climbing are being able to solve complex problems while providing a service that rarely goes under-appreciated. I feel a sense of duty and responsibility using my skills and knowledge to help my local community."
And yes, our business name was inspired by "Tree Beard", from The Lord of the Rings (and Nolan's beard).

Truly Local & Family-Owned
While Nolan is out working in the trees, his partner Jill is doing administrative work for Tree Beard (in-between forest adventures with their two-year-old toddler Oliver). We also actively choose to support other small local businesses here in the Cowichan Valley!
Nolan Foley
Professional Arborist/Owner

Experienced & Fully Insured

Accredited by
Better Business Bureau

Registerd with WorkSafe BC

Free Estimates within the
Cowichan Valley
Cobble Hill
Shawnigan Lake
Cowichan Bay
Mill Bay
Maple Bay
Fixed Day Rates everywhere
else within our service area
You can choose to keep your wood chips and save some money! Just let us know.
Wood chips can be very beneficial for your trees as they help keep moisture in!

Ways to use woodchips:
1. Mulching around plants and trees
2. Adding them to your compost
3. Creating new growing areas
4. Making natural pathways
5. Ground covering for kids' play activities
6. Creating new wildlife habitats